Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is one of the major departments in ASRAMS. Department has excellent faculty comprising of Professors, Associate professors, Assistant Professors & Tutors, who are known for the experience in the field & their expertise in handling any emergency and high risk pregnancies.
ASRAMS Department of OBGY is reputed for its excellence in academics. The PG’S of the department actively participate in the various conferences at state and national level. The faculty of ASRAM are regularly invited as guest speakers at various local/state/ national conferences and participate in spreading knowledge and creating awareness in common people , apart from these , abreast with the recent advances in the field of OBGY.
The department of OBGY has its own quarterly news letter “MAATRIKA” (Voice of the mother) which is a compilation of various activities in the department , it also creates awareness about what’s new, scientist , quiz time, health tips and recent advances in the field.
On 9th of every month, the staff and PG’S go to various PHCS for rendering antenatal care services as a part of Pradhan Manthri Surakshith Matritva Abhiyan.
As part of the cancer prevention programme , we have special vaccination days every month, during which students and faculty participate in vaccination. HPV vaccine and R – VAC vaccines are being provided in the department. This is a single step towards a healthy women and a healthy baby.
Women have unique health needs and our comprehensive services aim to treat each patient for their individual needs with support , resources, latest technology and patient education.
We have special clinics catering to the needs of the patient which includes high risk pregnancy, menopause clinic, post natal clinic, family planning , cancer clinic, adolescent clinic, endocrinology and infertility clinic. This helps to give special care to the respective beneficiaries.
A new initiative for mothers coming for institutional delivery – is the “MAATRIKA Kit for the baby “ containing the essential items for immediate baby care.
Other initiative from the department of OBGY as part of awareness is BEWARE and BE- AWARE, where there will be monthly review on current updates.
Various awareness programmes are being conducted by the department in the local population regarding menstrual hygiene, antenatal care, post natal care ,cancer screening and cancer prevention.
The department is open 24 hrs , for the care of the patient.
The OBGY department has an annual intake of 10 post graduates.